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"Snapshot creation failed: Custom pre-freeze script failed" when using vcbMounter (VCB without Quiesce)


When trying to mount a virtual machine the following errors my be seen:

# vcbMounter -h -u root -p password -a moref:432 -r /mnt/vmBackup/VM01 -L 6

[2008-08-27 20:00:04.495 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 info] Got access method
[2008-08-27 20:00:04.498 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 info] Got coordinator object
[2008-08-27 20:00:04.502 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 info] Attempting data access.
[2008-08-27 20:00:04.509 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 info] Creating export directory
[2008-08-27 20:00:04.562 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 info] No snapshot info for this VM, nothing to do.
[2008-08-27 20:00:04.566 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 info] Creating snapshot
[2008-08-27 20:00:04.987 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 error] Error: Other error encountered: Snapshot creation failed: Custom pre-freeze script failed.
[2008-08-27 20:00:05.008 'vcbMounter' 3076449088 error] An error occurred, cleaning up...


This is due to an issue with VMware Tools that may be relsolved in an upcoming release.

As a workaround use the -Q 0 option for vcbMounter to mount the virtual machine image without quiescing the disk I/O:

# vcbMounter -h -u root -p password -a moref:432 -r /mnt/vmBackup/VM01 -L 6 -Q 0

This can also be achieved by adding the following line to the VCB config.js file:



Undocumented VCB config.js feature

vmware error "creating a quiesced snapshot failed because (user-supplied) custom pre-freeze script in the virtual machine exited with a non-zero return code"


VMware Tools 3.5.0 build-95350
VMware ESX 3.5
VMware Consolidated Backup 1.0.X

Created: 27th August 2008
Updated: 27th August 2008

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